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  • Limerick welcomes Italian Ambassador and celebrates official opening of Italy’s best selling kitchen company Cucine Lube Store during Italian Design Week

Limerick welcomes Italian Ambassador and celebrates official opening of Italy’s best selling kitchen company Cucine Lube Store during Italian Design Week

 - Limerick welcomes Italian Ambassador and celebrates official opening of Italy’s best selling kitchen company Cucine Lube Store during Italian Design Week -

Limerick city welcomed His Excellency, Ruggero Corrias, the distinguished Italian Ambassador to Ireland, as part of the Italian Design Week celebrations, where he, alongside Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, Councillor Gerald Mitchell and designer Natasha Rocca-Devine officially opened Ireland’s first Cucine Lube store, Italy's leading kitchen brand.

In a statement, Mayor Mitchell expressed his honour in hosting Ambassador Corrias and highlighted the significance of this occasion for the city.

"We are delighted to welcome His Excellency, Ruggero Corrias, and to celebrate the arrival of Cucine Lube in Limerick. This investment signifies not only the growing economic vitality of our city but also the cultural ties between Ireland and Italy."

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