Big Kitchen Disasters Averted

 - Big Kitchen Disasters Averted -

Aine speaking with Irish independent about her story and Cucine Lube Kitchens

Do you regret what you did with your kitchen? You wouldn't be the only one. A recent survey conducted by the Panelling Centre found almost a quarter of respondents were unhappy with their kitchen layout.

Do you regret what you did with your kitchen? You wouldn’t be the only one. A recent survey conducted by the Panelling Centre found almost a quarter of respondents were unhappy with their kitchen layout.

A substantial 83pc had changed their kitchen when moving into their home. Almost half cited this as their biggest renovation challenge. And 82pc vowed to consult an expert the next time. There were a litany of woes. Their counter space and storage space were inadequate. The overall layout was not fit for purpose. There weren’t enough sockets.

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